Ellipsis Roadmap 2021 and first airdrop

2 min readMar 24, 2021


As we distribute the first weekly EPS airdrop for veCRV holders, we’d like to take this opportunity to say: THANK YOU! We did not know what to expect during the launch of Ellipsis, but the response has far exceeded our wildest dreams. In less than twenty four hours we have:

  • amassed a TVL of almost 900 million dollars, making Ellipsis the largest BSC stableswap exchange by a wide margin
  • earned $87,912 in fees from stablecoin swaps, currently being distributed to EPS stakers
  • witnessed EPS trade as high as $20, from a staring price of only 1 cent
  • received our first centralized exchange listing for EPS, on Hotbit

We want to assure you that we are not resting on our early success. Our vision is for Ellipsis to become a core piece of infrastructure in the growing BSC DeFi community, and we will do everything in our power to make this vision a reality.

Some items in our roadmap include:

  • A BTC pool and collaboration with Ren, the makers of $renBTC. The scope of our relationship will be to increase liquidity for wrapped Bitcoin assets and provide a trustless point of entry into the BSC ecosystem.
  • USD metapools, to provide liquidity for other dominant BSC stablecoins. We will be launching a snapshot page to poll the community and gauge interest for potential new pools.
  • A detailed audit of our existing codebase. We have tested extensively and believe it to be safu, but for the peace of mind of our users this is a top priority!
  • Integrations with liquidity aggregators to increase the trade volume and revenue generated for EPS stakers
  • A comprehensive marketing campaign to draw awareness to Ellipsis as well as DeFi on BSC as a whole.

We would like to extend an open invitation to other DeFi protocols building on BSC — our DMs are open and we would love to explore potential partnerships. Together we grow to be more than the sum of our parts.

Again, a big thank you to Curve Finance for permitting us to use their codebase. We have nothing but the utmost respect for their work and intend to demonstrate a similar level of professionalism. We will not let you down!

veCRV holders can claim their first airdrop from: https://ellipsis.finance/claim

Users will need to claim using their address holding veCRV on the Ethereum network. You will also need a very small amount of BNB to claim. More detailed instructions will follow. We invite Curve veCRV holders to learn about our platform and our token and how it can earn trading fees and EPS in similar ways to CRV. Locking can be very attractive for those wanting to receive trading fees and grow their position.

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